...and Anwar wins...
With 15,671 majority, the choice is almost clear, the people has spoken. The people of Permatang Pauh has translated their voices to their votes -their choice of the ONE whom they believe can speak on their behalf in the Parliament.
The big question hanging in everyone's head now must be "what's next?" Now that Permatang Puah is won, what will happen?
Will Anwar form the next Government as he mentioned numerously? Will that happen in Sept 2008? What other obstacles will Anwar has to "fight" inorder to achieve his goal of forming a new, clean and uncorrupted government?
One thing for sure is, we can expect a louder parliamentary debates and a lot more issues coming from both sides of the parties. One trying to block and the other trying to expose.
To think about it rationally, it can be good as well as bad -both for domestic and international concerns.
When will this end, how long are we, the rakyat going to endue these "in-fighting" and how much opportunity cost are we going to burn.
My take is, all changes and implementations must be done fast, so as to restore our nation back to her feet. Too much valuable time has been wasted and we as a nation is lagging behind.
Maybe just maybe its time our country needs a major "clean-up", maybe its time we see "CHANGE" taking place for real.
Maybe the time has come for us to have a new governmental system that truely restore our pride and our honor in its respective places - and uphold the fundamental principles that are enshrined in our constituitions.
Maybe the time is NOW. Maybe Permatang Pauh's election result is the answer to our prayers.
GOD save Malaysia.